Star—Line is a game about finding and drawing your own constellations in the sky. Every day, a new sky is generated, giving the players a new canvas to draw on. The players can also save their constellations into a journal that persists through gameplay sessions. The journal saves data including the names of stars, the name and description given to the constellation, the date the constellation was found, and the seed for the sky where the constellation was found. The player can change the seed as they like, allowing them to recreate a constellation found by someone else.
The game was made by me and Em Dang. My contributions included:
- UI/UX Design: Menu Layout and HUD
- Graphic Design: Game Logo / Title Graphic
- Programming: Contextual controls
- Programming: Star and constellation data
- Programming: UI
- Programming: The Journal mechanic, including the linear algebra behind transforming the coordinates of the stars in world-space to a 2D square.
Star—Line uses icons by Iconoir and the following Asset store packs: